Banned Books Week is the most relevant of all the ALA Library Programs. Often I create displays in the Media Center to highlight historically banned and challenged books. Students who utilize the Media Center learn about intellectual freedom, but most of the staff and students are unaware of Banned Books Week. In 2012 I partnered with the school's audition coordinator to create a police line up poster and took pictures of staff, students, and administrators holding a "banned book". The photos were then displayed throughout the school. Several students misinterpreted the mugshots and were concerned that the school was actually banning books. Much to the chagrin of the school secretary, parents continuously called the school to complain that books were being censored. One parent, as shown in email above, contacted me to inquire about the censorship. However, another parent went so far as to complain to the superintendent [see below]. That a Banned Book Week program would generate awareness to students, faculty, parents, and district officials, made this experience a dream come true. The Animoto below highlights the banned books pictures that were posted in the halls.
Author Visits. Banned Books . Battle of the Books . STEM Club . Game On!. Grant Library Makeover. Library Learning Commons. Mentoring .